Wednesday, March 20, 2024


 “Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.” ~John Muir



“The earth laughs in flowers.”  

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

How can you lighten your load from the inside out? 

Spring brings a spirit of hope, a reminder that all kinds of life force energy is renewed and brimming with new possibilities.

Know that each day is different. Some days, your balance and your focus will be rocking and in the flow. Other days, not so much. Learn to accept and allow yourself to be open to the possibilities that arise, and trust in the natural cycles of life that guide us towards growth and expansion.

Revel in the warm weather too! Get out and be with nature and the sunshine. Spring is a great time to clear out anything that is no longer serving you so you can make way for new ideas, perspectives, intentions, and desires.