Monday, February 19, 2024

The Art of Allowing


Accepting, allowing, and interacting with your life as though it is exactly as it should be, without making yourself wrong (or right) for what you discover is the way to Self-Realization.” ~Ariel Kane

Just as the seasons change, so do we. Develop awareness of the changes that occur around you. Notice the natural changes and allow change to flow naturally without force within your life. 

There is a deep well of inner wisdom within you. This innate sense of wisdom will guide you.

Start small. Practice making minor changes in order to build confidence. Evaluate what motivates you.  

Change requires participation and action. Whatever you choose, allow it to nourish yourself and let go of any expectations.

Part of the real beauty of life is that it’s unpredictable. Nothing is permanent, everything changes, and of course, a lot of things can happen that will transform who you are and have an impact on your life. 

Focus on taking small steps to create change you can be proud of. Don’t try to make major changes overnight; you’ll likely get overwhelmed. Just do one tiny thing every day to help you move you in a  direction.

Big or small, I find three things I did well and choose to acknowledge. Start building your self-confidence by choosing one thought to begin practicing today.  Self-confidence is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.