Many people these days are taking a good look at themselves and their lives. They look at how they interact with their family, how they conduct themselves within business matters and how much time they spend on making the all mighty dollar and the illusive career. people are trying to find the right balance of life's daily events. Whether on a conscious level or spiritually sub-conscious level importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
That means taking care of yourself through nutrition, exercise, even the mundane requirements of keeping clean, paying your bills and ensuring you have a roof over your head to live under. These are all part of the practical balance of life.
Again, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Just as someone who is always ‘out there’ in spirit needs to be grounded, the opposite may be true as well. Someone who is so focused on the physical may need to rise up a little and balance their life with a little perspective of mind and spirit.
Balance, balance, balance.
Do not allow your spirituality to become a false and unrealistic contentment that you escape to. Live a wholesome, functional life. Work hard and be rational, focused and goal oriented. However, to keep from getting too immersed in the regular materialistic world, we also need to maintain a reflective, metaphysical mindset, realize that there are higher dimensions, and benevolent spiritual vibrations which we can call upon to help us in our daily lives. This will give you a peacefulness, an inner joy which allows you to balance material demands with spiritual needs.
Food for thought:
"Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence".
-Barbara Marciniak