Sunday, February 21, 2021


 “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” ~George Bernard Shaw

How do you make life more playful?

Playfulness becomes difficult when we get bogged in worries. Worrying nurses the joy out of everything. I know, because I’ve been there many times before.

We don’t stop playing because we no longer enjoy it. We stop playing because we think we should be doing other things, and that creates fear, anxiety, and, eventually, numbness towards life. There will always be something that needs to be done.

It’s natural to connect, explore, and discover. Every day brings discoveries, wonder, and excitement. Every day is new.

I’ve never stopped being “playful”. When I stop noticing the playfulness of the world around me, I know I’m in a bad mood or too stressed, and I often make myself stop and re-engage in the world in a playful way, even if just to watch a funny movie.

When we lose ourselves in play, whether creating a make-believe world, throwing a ball between friends, or watching silly YouTube videos, we allow ourselves to get out of the linear, problem-solution, adult mindset.

We can learn a huge lesson from little persons. I certainly have.

Luckily, my career path ended up being immersed in the whirlwind of teaching children.

I decided to rediscover my silly, consequence-free side, to unlock my optimism.

I observed children make every task bright, fun, and interesting . . . and chaotic. Their infectious excitement and belief in good things pervaded my every working day. Their unconscious behavior and easy emotions filled my every weekday thought.

I owe those little smiley faces a heck of a lot! Being surrounded by children has helped me realize, “You don’t need to be childish to be childlike.” You can find happiness in everyday routine.

Re-discover your sunshine…Live, love, and laugh like you never lost the magic.

1. Give your happiness a boost by delighting in your own unique sense of humor.

2. Trust good things will happen, and put your hand up for every opportunity that comes your way.

3. Follow your gut instead of overthinking. 

4. Encourage feelings of excitement to bubble up more often by giving them glorious, physical free rein.

5. Give yourself the gorgeous gift of looking forward to birthdays by focusing on sharing, receiving, and celebrating all you’ve contributed in the past twelve months.

6. Take a break from meaningful activities to relax by being deliciously frivolous.

7. Sing out loud when a tune pops into your head to bring on feelings of pure joy.

8. Have upbeat conversations with yourself out loud to silence your inner critic.

In the land of play, we make connections we wouldn’t normally make. We see things in new ways. Play can boost our creativity, heighten our mood, make us laugh, and can engage us in the world in ways that regular “adult” life often doesn’t.