Saturday, January 2, 2021


“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.” ~Unknown

Life is a dance. Life has feet. There is so much more than your day-to-day life. Look upon things that are important to you. My biggest problem was how to support myself emotionally and spiritually.

I had so many questions, but I was absolutely convinced that there was another way. There is always another way of doing things. There are Infinite number of choices and an infinite number of possibilities. I can do something different.  I can!  Everything is a potential. There are no perfect answers. There are no single answers. There are no absolutes. 

Learn to discover, explore and ask questions. Trust YOUrself. Your heart is your impulse. It will be your heart that will intuitively discern what is and what is not right for you. Each new situation in life has much more to offer than you can ever imagine. Open up so that you may learn and receive more.  You cannot do it wrong, just your way of doing things. 

I was determined to find it and just needed to trust what my heart told me. 

Open your heart to those things that give you joy. Honor the playfulness of Spirit. Trust You!