Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck in thought patterns that dampen your expectations? You know the kind I mean, where you start expecting the worst possible outcomes. Have you ever thought or said: ‘I don’t think I can make this work, or I seriously doubt that I can pull this off.
Life has no guarantees. Be open to outcomes.
Attitude is everything. Your attitude determines most of what you experience each day. Yet, it is something that is easy to neglect. Choose to have a positive attitude.
Everyday is a new beginning and a new ending. Life is about the journey and not the arrival --Choose to embrace the next step in your life.
Sometimes it takes conscious effort to enjoy the journey. Embrace life.
You might be tempted to assume that it implies seeing the world through rose colored lenses by ignoring or glossing over the challenging and difficult aspects of life. For me it actually means approaching life's challenges with a positive outlook. It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring things; instead, it involves making the most of situations.
A positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. Our brains are powerful and can cause us to imagine the best...or the worst. Thoughts and words are energy. Now think about the thoughts you have and the emotions that are tied to each thought.
Life is an ongoing process of creation. We are constantly experiencing life. We are constantly adding to who we are. Everyday you are growing into the best version of you.
Now it is just to remember we are enough.